it may be impossible, but today I am attempting to hunt down Natibaby's Hungarian exclusive "Legend of the Miraculous Deer." It is quite possibly the most beautiful wrap I have ever seen, and of course only made in limited numbers in another country...UGH! But gorgeous is this wrap? It has me so curious about hungarian art and folklore. I need more of this art in my life! Crossing my fingers i can snag one of these!
from wikipedia:
Csodaszarvas (animal): A central figure in the legends surrounding the origin of the Hungarian people. The name translates to "Miraculous Deer". According to Hungarian legend, while out hunting, the brothers Hunor and Magor saw a miraculous white stag. They pursued the animal, but it always stayed ahead of them, leading them westward into Levedia, where they married two princesses and founded the Hun and Magyar peoples.
update: the hunters were hunted, and I now have the last of these otw to the states!!