Friday, February 10, 2012

You are what you eat

I came across this video yesterday, and it really got me thinking about a diet overhaul. Funny, because my horoscope (which is always eerily dead-on) yesterday was something about revamping my diet. This is a study about how our food is digested, or more-so how healthy whole food is digested compared to processed artificial food. I've been on a mostly gluten-free diet for about 2-3 months now, I say mostly because I cheat a lot, usually in the wee hours of the night. Being on a gluten free diet has made me really think about the foods I eat, and what they are doing to my body. Since gluten is usually found in processed foods, I have mostly stopped eating them. I had theorized about the body's ability to digest gluten and processed foods, and I strongly believe that over-indulgence in ready made foods is what is causing such an epidemic of gluten allergies and intolerance in this country. It all comes down to nature, and what we are naturally meant to eat. A caveman would never eat wheat, because he wouldn't be able to make it into something edible. He would hunt and forage for meat and vegetables and fruits, but wheat and grain wouldn't make up any of his diet. So why does our food pyramid say that most of our diet should come from whole grains? Perhaps because the person who designed said pyramid worked for a company that sold processed food products made mostly of grains? If I remember correctly, bread was originally made in poor countries when people needed to eat things that would keep them fuller, longer because they didn't know when they would eat again....fuller longer as took way longer to digest so it took longer to work its way through the body? So something that was made to be eaten out of desperation now is something that makes up 80% or so of our diets. It's no wonder why we have so many problems with obesity and food intolerance and ADD and mental disorders...the diet that most Americans believe they should be eating is far from what we really should be eating. I mean, if you fed a horse a diet that consisted of 80% gummy bears and 20% hay and grain, would you expect it to act like and be as healthy as any other horse? This video is a great example, and I hope it brings more light to an important subject for all of us, not just those with intolerances, but anyone who wants to be and feel healthy.

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